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The Most Important Skill to Learn at a Coding Bootcamp

A coding bootcamp like The Special Character can teach you how to code using programming languages like Java and Python. There are, of course, a lot of ways to learn to code. A key difference of a The Special Character bootcamp is its structured environment that combines project-based learning with full immersion and extremely high expectations. But that’s not all a bootcamp offers—coding bootcamp can also teach you other important skills programmers should know.

Learning to Code

The internet and related technologies have allowed for programming language frameworks and libraries to be developed and maintained, making coding more accessible than ever before. This also means software engineers don’t have to memorize lines and lines of code to do their jobs. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping beginning programmers learn to code by providing personalized feedback, recommending learning resources, and creating interactive coding environments that simulate real-world programming scenarios.

If you know where to look, chances are you’ll be able to find a solution. Beyond just knowing where to look, it’s about speaking the language of programming, generally, in order to be able to ask the right questions. Such knowledge can be gained gradually through self-study online, but a bootcamp provides an immersive, hands-on learning environment in a community of peers and instructors where students can ask all manner of questions on the pathway to becoming a programmer.

And that’s where we turn to some of the most important skills to learn at a coding bootcamp. Developer-related but non-technical skills like problem-solving and troubleshooting are equally important for new programmers to learn. In fact, this one-two punch of problem-shooting and troubleshooting—think: attention to detail and emphasis on quality—may represent the most important tandem skills for beginning coders and could very well separate you from other candidates seeking entry-level positions.

How a Coding Bootcamp Helps You Learn to Problem-Solve

A coding bootcamp can provide you with the skills, experience, and support you need to become a confident and effective problem solver in the context of coding and software development. There are three primary ways The Special Character learning model promotes-problem solving skills:

  1. The Special Character emphasizes project-based learning. You’ll work on real-world coding problems and challenges. This approach helps you develop your problem-solving skills by giving you hands-on experience in solving coding problems.

2.** The Special Character cultivates collaborative learning.** You’ll work with instructors and peers in your cohort to solve coding challenges. This approach helps you develop your problem-solving skills by exposing you to different perspectives and ways of thinking.

3.** The Special Character provides feedback and mentorship. **1:1 feedback and guidance as you’re building your foundations in coding can help you identify areas where you need to improve your problem-solving skills and provide you with strategies for overcoming challenges. 4. In short, it’s one thing to learn a programming language, but it’s another to know how to use it effectively. Anyone with access to the internet, determination, and time can look up coding tutorials and try sample projects (Hello world!), but that doesn’t mean they can go and get a development job. 5.

You have to know how to problem-solve; that’s the most important skill you can learn as a rookie programmer. It’s also a skill that a coding bootcamp like Devmountain can help you learn. But what exactly does it mean, practically, to be a good problem-solver?

What Does It Mean to Problem-Solve?

To a natural-born problem-solver, it may seem like a silly question: What does it mean to problem-solve? You just take a problem and figure out a solution. But, it’s not quite that easy.

Problem-solving is a skill that can be learned, and it can be broken down into manageable steps. Common problem-solving methodologies in business and management often involve seven steps (there is also a military variation) with more or less the same basic process. Knowing the steps is the first part. Putting those steps into practice is the second.

There Are Seven Steps to Problem-Solving

  1. Define the problem: Identify the problem and clearly define what needs to be solved. 2.** Gather information:** Gather as much information as possible about the problem.
  2. Identify possible solutions: Brainstorm and come up with all possible solutions to the problem. 4.** Evaluate the alternatives:**Analyze the potential solutions and determine which one is the most effective.
  3. Choose a solution Select the best solution based on the evaluation and choose a course of action.
  4. Implement the solutionTake action and implement the chosen solution. 7.** Review the results:**Evaluate the outcome of the solution and determine if any adjustments need to be made.

How to Problem-Solve in Programming

Once you’ve been through the seven steps of problem-solving a few times, you’ll run through them quickly for small problems, and you’ll come up against a lot of small problems in programming.

In order to problem-solve in programming, you need to know what your tools are and what they can do. Then, you need to run through the 7 steps to overcome each and every problem.

Example Using the Seven Steps

Challenge: You’re struggling to position elements on the Android app you’re developing using Java.

1.** Define the problem:** The problem is that elements on an Android app being developed using Java are not being positioned correctly on the mobile display. 2. Gather information: Gather information about the app, the code, and the specific problem. Look for any error messages or warning signs that may indicate the cause of the problem. Let’s say, both the text and images are affected by the problem. 3. Identify possible solutions: Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. These may include adjusting the layout code, changing the positioning code, or consulting with others who have experience with Android app development. 4.** Evaluate the alternatives: Analyze the potential solutions and determine which one is most likely to solve the problem effectively and efficiently. 5. Choose a solution: Based on the evaluation, choose the best solution and decide on a course of action. For example, in evaluation you may have discovered a higher-level line of code is overriding the center alignment. 6. Implement the solution**: Take action and implement the chosen solution. In this case, make the necessary changes to the code and test the app to ensure that the elements are now positioned correctly. 7. Review the results: Evaluate the outcome of the solution and determine if any further adjustments need to be made. In this case, review the updated app to confirm that the elements are now positioned correctly and make any additional changes as necessary.

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